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New Chief Executive announced for Together in Dementia Everyday

We are delighted to welcome Van Garber into the role of Chief Executive of tide – together in dementia everyday. Van brings with him a wealth of experience from the charity sector with over 20 years of leadership and fundraising experience. Van worked in the US as Development Manager for Habitat for Humanity raising substantial seven figure sums annually for the housing charity. He also worked as CEO for the UK regional branch in Liverpool.

Over the past ten year he worked as head of an international development charity (VMM International) with branches in Liverpool, Glasgow, Dublin and several African countries. The organisation supported the capacity of African organisations and communities by sending experienced volunteers focused on health and education initiatives.

Van plans to use his experience and leadership skills to benefit tide at an important juncture.

“Working with tide will be both exciting and challenging. tide has the commitment and structure to support and lead carers throughout the UK. We have identified our key strengths and will be focused on improving services and training tools while increasing our profile. We have a new story to tell that will create even more partnerships and support throughout the profession.”

If you would like to find out more about tide and the work we do visit our website and become a member for free

Chair of tide, Ruth Eley said,

“On behalf of the trustees, I am delighted to welcome Van as Chief Executive. He brings detailed knowledge of the charitable sector and understands the vital role that tide plays in helping carers of people with dementia to use their collective voice to speak up and influence change. We are really looking forward to working with him”

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