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Crowded Isolation and Loneliness

Crowded Isolation and Loneliness

Family carers speak about their experience of caring for someone with dementia. 

What do we mean by Crowded Isolation? We wanted carers to explain they way they really feel in their day-to-day lives. Life is busy being a carer. You will be meeting with different healthcare professionals and may have care workers coming in and out of the house. You are surrounded but can feel so alone.

Copy of Crowded Isolation

An explanation from unpaid carers: 

You can watch this video on our YouTube link here 

The carers voices have been used in this short animation that captures what Crowded Isolation and loneliness is:


You can watch this animation on our YouTube link here

You can read the reports of the Crowded Isolation and Loneliness project here: 

Download the Executive Summary

Download the report.

Download the report with appendices 

Download the appendices 

Thanks to the funders of this project HSC