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Anne Irvine 

tide Advisory Group Member 

"Tide gave me a voice, and the strength to face the final stage of my grief after losing my mother to dementia."

About Anne...

I became involved with tide during 2020, it was perfect timing as the pandemic closed down the world, and tide opened up zoom support meetings. It was a lifeline for me at a very difficult time, I couldn't keep as busy as I once had been to stop me facing my grief. I was a full-time home carer for my mother, a role that left me emotionally and physically broken, but also a role that I would do again if I had the opportunity, its a beautiful, but very stressful and difficult journey. I became involved in so many areas of tide, I joined TAG, tide's advisory group, I assisted in fundraising, I delivered professional training on distressed behaviours, set up a Whatsapp support group for carers and former carers, co production etc, the list goes on!  The best part was that I made friends and contacts all over the country, the peer support was, and is invaluable, having connections that understood each others journey and concerns is comforting.