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About us

Moira Wilson


I am a trustee at tide and delighted to be involved in contributing to our vision and goals for the future.


About Moira...

I am a former Director of Adult Social Services and currently work with Directors of Adult Social Care, health, and other partners to improve care and support for people and their family carers. I am an independent chair of a Safeguarding Adults Board, and an Independent Non-Executive Member of an Integrated Care Board.

A social worker by background, I have worked in a number of local authorities in Yorkshire, London, and the North West. I have also worked in central government as national policy lead for carers and in the Social Services Inspectorate responsible for performance assessment of both children’s and adults’ services. I am passionate about ensuring that co-production is at the heart of everything we do and that we use people’s experiences, both positive and negative, to improve support for people with dementia and their families. I hope to contribute my knowledge and experience of a long career in social care to support tide in everything we want to achieve.