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About us

Roger Kay

Vice Chair 

I am the Vice Chair of tide and proud and honoured to work with the other trustees and management.

About Roger...

My wife has advanced dementia and has now been in a care home since June 2021. I cared for her at home for around six years and she was also hospitalised a few times, so I have experience of being involved with issues surrounding dementia in three different settings. In a lot of ways, I have been relatively fortunate in that she has become happy and passive, I had already retired and we do not have financial worries. However, I have experienced tiredness, frustration, and anger at different times in different contexts and wanted to use my previous professional experience and skills to help as much as I can.

I have been a member of the Tide Advisory Group since its inception and now attend as an observer as vice chair of trustees. I am a retired Professor of Law and former Head of School and Associate Dean of Faculty. In these roles, I was involved with or chaired a wide spread of committees and panels. I have particular experience of governance, management, and quality assurance and hope to use these to tide’s benefit. I also understand the benefits of networking and collaborative working and with my belief in education and communication want to help tide establish more links and work collaboratively. To this end, I am a research champion for North West NIHR RCN with a particular interest in Join Dementia Research. I am the lay representative on two of the committees that govern University of Manchester medical degrees and sit on the national People’s Panel for Methodist Homes Association, who own the home my wife is in.