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Carers week videos British Deaf Association

Our friends at the British Deaf Association have published these videos in BSL about caring for someone with dementia. Every day this week, they will be sharing carer’s stories of their journey of caring for a loved one with dementia. Watch here Emma Ferguson-Coleman from the University of Manchester discusses the Deaf People with Dementia Research Project. Watch here Eddie McRobbie shares his story of caring for his mother with Dementia and the need for more support through British Sign Language. Watch here Andrea Paterson discusses what it was like caring for her husband with Dementia and the importance of the BDA’s Dementia project for Deaf sign language users. Watch here Joyce Dickson cared for her husband for 7 years in their home, before he was moved to a care home. She explains how she had to learn about Dementia through reading books because there was no support available to her, as a carer. Watch here If you would like more information about our Dementia project in Scotland click here Please keep an eye on BDA’s Facebook this week for more videos which will be shown till Sunday, 16 June. Hope you will find those BSL videos educational and learn more about different carers’ experiences with their loved ones who living with dementia.

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