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Co-Production and Participation Group Meeting

Are you interested in becoming involved in the design and delivery of tide’s training events including, the Carer Development Programme modules, Carer Webinars and our commissioned work delivering training for Health and Social Care Professionals?

This can be a one-off if you have a specific topic you feel strongly about sharing with others, or it can be ongoing participation, whichever works best for you. It can be live involvement or through pre-recorded films or other mediums you feel will support getting the details of your lived experience over to the audience. The format will be informal and very much aimed at answering your questions about being involved. We will share examples of how tide members have already participated in tide training, we also have various updates and information to share with you, including future opportunities to be involved.

This is a follow-up from our meetings in 2022. Even, if you did not attend previously and are interested in Co-Production & Participation in tide's training, please do register and join us. Please register your place now using the link below.

“Being involved in a recent webinar, I was able to tell part of my dementia journey and hopefully help others to get on board and help others in a similar situation”.

Hazel Barrow, carer member of tide


17 Jan 2023


14:00 - 15:00



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