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Dementia Carers Count Training

Dementia Carers Count supports family, friends and partners looking after someone with dementia. Their courses have been attended by husbands, wives, partners, daughters, sons, daughters-in-law and grandchildren from 18-80 years from across the UK. All of the courses are delivered by qualified professionals such as occupational therapists, clinical psychologists and speech and language therapists. If you’d like to better understand your friend or family member, discuss the challenges you’re facing and learn about your own wellbeing, they could have just what you need. At tide we are proud to support the Home to Home course. This pilot course for carers whose family member has moved into a care home will be more tailored to the needs of this group of carers. Topics will include communicating with the care home team, understanding funding, dealing with feelings and palliative care. Find out more in their leaflet here.

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