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Facilitators of Carers Groups Involvement Workshop

Dementia United is committed to honouring and demonstrating its commitment to ensure that its programme of work is “informed and driven by the lived experience and expertise of people living with dementia and those who care for them”. The new governance arrangements recognises the important role and expertise of carers of people living with dementia and has provided them with a voting representative seat on both the Dementia United Strategic Board and the Dementia United Implementation and Operations Group, accompanied by a support lead from tide. .  The Dementia United governance arrangements also make it explicit that a dementia carers’ expert reference group will be established to drive the work programme forward. Working in partnership, we want to ensure that we involve carers from across the whole of Greater Manchester and also ensure that the rich diversity of carer’s experiences is represented. The target audience for this workshop is facilitators of Carers Support Groups across GM (specifically those involving carers of people with dementia). We encourage applications from black and minority ethnic groups, carers of people with rarer dementias', as well as carers of people with dementia with sensory impairments , carers of people with dementia from LGBT+ communities, young carers and male carers.  Dementia United and tide would like to invite you to a half day workshop. When: Monday 19th November 2018, 13:00 - 16:00 Where: Seminar Room 1, King's House, Sidney Street, Manchester, M1 7HB The aims of this workshop are to:

  • Discuss the process of ongoing systematic involvement of carers from across GM, to ensure there is a open communication back and forth to existing carer support groups across;
  • Work with you to define the terms of reference for Dementia Carers Expert Reference Group (role, responsibilities, frequency of meetings, selection of carers, remuneration etc.) and how the DCERG will work with the key partners on the key priority areas of work across GM;
  • Highlight the commitment from tide to invest in the personal development of carers of people with dementia through our Carers Development Programme, enabling them to have the knowledge, skills and confidence to fulfil membership of the Dementia Carers Expert Reference Group;
  • Share with you the work of Dementia United.
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