Invitation for Carer Representation Dementia United Governance Groups
Health and Social Care Partners have committed to working together over the next five years to make Greater Manchester the best place to live with dementia. Co-ordinated regional support through a partnership delivery model – Dementia United (DU) will ensure that learning between localities is optimised and variation in service provision and access is better understood through peer review and knowledge exchange and minimised. DU has asked us to support them in identifying carer representatives to sit on their two strategic governance groups:
- The Strategic Board acts as the system governance and assurance Board for Dementia United (DU) providing strategic oversight of dementia improvement in GM.
- The Implementation Operations Group ensures that progress is being made that the following developing key work streams can move ahead at pace.
- Access to our Carers Development Programme
- Full briefing of the papers in advance of the meeting
- Support during each meeting
- Debriefing including emotional and psychological support post every meeting
- Ongoing discussion with DU to ensure that the above expectations are set within the wider involvement strategy
- Recognition of carers’ day to day challenges and unpredictability of their caring commitment, including tide identifying and offering the opportunity for another carer to attend if need be on occasion
- Support with practical and logistical details