Opportunity to inform the Scottish parliament what affect COVID - 19 has had on you as a carer
This is your chance to inform the Scottish parliament how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on social care services at home. We are working with the Scottish Parliament Health and Sport Committee and Alzheimer's Scotland.
The Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee is calling for views on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on social care services at home. Earlier this year the Committee planned to explore how social care could work differently in the future. This work was paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Committee will now resume that work to examine social care further, exploring how lessons learned can be applied in the future to improve social care systems and delivery in Scotland. The Committee has already received submissions from a range of people involved in social care, and in the context of care homes during the pandemic. To add to that evidence base, the Committee now wants to hear from those who provide or have received social care at home. MSPs are keen to hear about people’s experiences of social care at home during the pandemic, whether people felt safe and supported and what lessons should be learned should there be a second wave or future outbreaks. Call for views We are looking for views from people who provide, or receive, care and support at home. We want to hear from:
- individuals receiving care at home
- family members and unpaid carers
- staff, managers or owners of a care at home services, or personal assistants providing care
From the Life Changes Trust Please see the Life Changes Trust’s newly published Covid-19 Learning Report. It is based on the learning and insights we have gathered from some of our projects (dementia and young people with care experience) during the COVID-19 lockdown on how they have adapted and what support is needed in times of crisis. Go to -Covid Learning Report