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The NAPA Activity Awards 2020 – Featuring the NAPA Choir!

The care sector has experienced an abundance of new challenges in 2020. We are determined that now, more than ever, the dedication of our members, to continue to prioritise the wellbeing of the people they support, must be rewarded. For the first time ever The NAPA Awards Ceremony 2020 will take place virtually on Friday 2nd October. The ceremony will feature a special performance by The NAPA Choir; a specially formed ensemble including the voices of care providers, professionals, the people they support and care for, as well as our friends and supporters from across the sector and beyond. We are asking our members and supporters to get involved by participating in this uplifting collective acknowledgement of all we have experienced during this difficult time. We ask individuals and groups to record themselves singing ‘We are The Champions! Please use the backing track and lyrics on this web page and send it to by September 6th at 5pm. Please note: • It is very important that you use this backing track and version of the lyrics • There is a 3 beat introduction and you come in on the fourth • Please film with your phone or tablet ensuring that your film is 'Landscape' NOT 'Portrait' • You will need to play the backing track from another device, and position it away from the camera so that it is not too loud over your voices! • Please make sure you have the permission of all people in the video • Please include the name of all those who took part and the name of your care setting and contact details. The recorded performance will form part of the awards ceremony, which will be recorded and shared on the NAPA website and on our social media channels • All selected recordings will be compiled into one overall performance. Please send us your recorded performance of Queen’s ‘We Are The Champions’ to: via google drive or wetransfer no later than Sunday September the 6th at 5pm • Feel free to dance and dress up too! Good luck and have fun! The NAPA Team. Backing Track: [audio mp3=""][/audio] Lyrics: We Are The Champions Lyrics   Find out more about NAPA: visit website

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