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UK Wide Advisory Group

'tide –together in dementia everyday' is committed to working in equal partnership with carers of people with dementia who share our values and commitment. We are now looking to recruit carers of people with dementia to join our UK wide tide Advisory Group. As a member of the Advisory Group you will be fundamental in determining how tide can achieve its mission and aims. The Advisory Group will inform and add credibility to the work of tide across the UK. Advisory Group members will work with the tide staff team in each country and lead activities in their areas.

Why do we need you?

tide is committed to ensuring that its work programme, priorities and campaigns are informed and driven by carers of people living with dementia. We want carers, who are passionate and who want to use their lived experience, skills and knowledge to bring about positive change and contribute to:
  • The improvement of the lives of all carers of people with dementia across the UK
  • The improvement of the lives of people with dementia
  • The work of professionals and policy makers in national policy, research, education, commissioning and practice

What will be involved?

This is a voluntary role with an initial two year term. The role requires an average of 8 hours of time per month and attendance at the Advisory Group meetings usually in Liverpool up to four times per year. Email advice may be required in between the meetings. This is subject to review as the group develops. Project work will be in addition to the time estimates given above. A full Role Description and Terms of Reference can be found below.

What can you expect from us?

  • Being treated as an equal member of the tide team and Advisory Group
  • Investment in your personal development
  • Practical, emotional and psychological support before, during and after any involvement / engagement piece of work
  • Being remunerated as an ‘Expert’ and have your travel and accommodation expenses paid
  • Access to the tide team to help you with your duties

How to apply

To apply, complete the Expression of Interest and Equal and Diversity forms and return to David by September 14th 2018.

David Ward Robertson House, 152 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4TB 0141 353 5607

Relevant Documentation:
  1. Role Description
  2. Terms of Reference
  3. Expression of Interest Form
  4. Equality and Diversity Form


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