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We are working with Irish in Britain on their 'Cuimhe Carers' Project

Irish in Britain is delighted to be running this new project to support family, friends and volunteers caring for people living with dementia. With support from the Race Equality Foundation, we are particularly targeting people from Irish and BAME communities, but the project is open to all. Cuimhne is Irish for memory and although our reminiscence materials have an Irish focus they have a wider relevance to all as the themes and suggestions are present in all of our lives and cultural groups. People are welcome to join • Weekly Wednesday Webinars, which feature a talk from professionals who work in the dementia field, such as Admiral Nurses. They cover some of the main issues for carers of people with dementia and are free of charge and open to all. • Secure online forum to support carers.   tide are hosting two events with Irish in Britain for the 'Cuimhe Carers' project. Join us for: Practical skills e.g. tips to help with dressing, eating and sleeping with Jean Tottie, Chair for tide. 14 October 2–3pm Register here.   You Can’t Pour from an Empty Cup: Self Care for Carers with Amanda McCarren, Head of tide Development and National CIL for Scotland 28 October 2–3pm Register here.   For more information on upcoming webinars, and recordings of previous webinars click here.  

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